Can you relate?

Are you tired of carrying the weight of expectations?

Always being the strong one & never feeling like you can just be yourself?

If you're like me or the clients I've worked with, you probably have...

Too Much Pressure

Always feel the pressure to do more and on the grind to get it all done.

Too Much Responsibility

Tired of being ‘on’ and the ‘strong Black woman’ all the time.

Done with doing more

Already exhausted, so doing more feels impossible and deflating.

Even if your life appears successful, you might feel:

  • A persistent dissatisfaction that a mani/pedi, a massage, and white washed self care can't fix

  • Disappointed and feeling like your ability to dream has disappeared

  • Tired of living just to do the same thing every single day

  • Certain that there must be more to life but unsure what that is

If you're scared about not knowing what comes next, 

maybe a fear of failure or even a fear of success,

this case study is for you...

For too long, Black women have been told their value lies in how much they can endure, in how strong they can be. But what if strength didn’t have to mean struggle?

The good news? These challenges are all solvable. 

And that's where I come in.

Work with Me to Become the Woman You Were Meant to Be!!

Being 'on' all the time doesn't actually help you get ahead in your career & costs you the life you actually want.  I’ll teach you how to create work-life balance so you can live a life of joy and freedom without waiting until retirement.

WORK + WORK ≠ the freedom you've been trying to build. Learn to automate work life harmony so you can build an amazing business while living an amazing life.

Hey, I'm Rashidat!

I specialize in helping Black women like you redefine their identity without work as the core and take action to become that woman.

By working with me, you will:

✨ Ditch all the outside perspectives of who you should be and define who you want to be

✨ Clarify your life direction and create a vision for your future

✨ Design a life change that aligns with your values and allows for exploration

✨ Create and maintain structure that shifts your life from what it is to what you want it to be

You’ll embark on a journey to redefine who you are beyond your job title, release the pressure to always be strong, and build a life where you can embrace your femininity, softness, and rest. Together, we’ll craft a clear, actionable plan that allows you to live with freedom, joy, and fulfillment, stepping into the woman you’ve always known you could be.

    My favorite quote:

    Find out who you are & do it on purpose.

    - Dolly Parton

    I'm all about to redefining success on our own terms. Beyond making money there’s so much more to life and that takes leaving behind workaholism, hustle culture, and toxic productivity to live a life where you don’t have to be ‘on’ on the time. As Your Dream Strategist - a personal growth & lifestyle design coach - I create courses, community, and coaching to help Black women corporate professionals & entrepreneurs create work life balance & lifestyle freedom.

    While some believe that being a workaholic is the only way to succeed, we’re a community of Black women that are successful because we’re confident in who we are, not what we do, and we have freedom - financial, time & energy, location, and lifestyle - grounded in our values to be ourselves and enjoy our lives.


    After burning out as a fashion technical designer in corporate America, I decided who I wanted to be without work being the defining piece of me.

    To create a life not plagued with the need to prove myself, but to be myself and run with it. Using entrepreneurship as my pathway to lifestyle freedom & now helping others learn to work less and live more, too, I've helped many tired of being 'on' all the time find peace of mind.

    I've climbed the corporate ladder, served communities around the world, been featured on multiple podcasts, lived in & visited 30+ cities domestically & internationally, and yet my most notable accolade is being able to be present when my God-daughters were born and having the lifestyle freedom to spend months with friends and family anywhere in the world at anytime without having to ask for time off and I can’t wait to help you do the same!


    I provide a tangible framework to create work life balance & lifestyle freedom.

    I've gathered & developed extremely effective strategies for lifestyle design to make transforming life easier (and somewhat automated) by reinventing identity without work as the core, redefining success, and simplifying the transformation.

    Like most people I work with, my adventure started as a strong Black woman trying prove my worth to my job, to those who don't look like me, and even to myself costing me high blood pressure, lack of joy, feeling stuck, & gaining weight.

    Until I finally faced the reality that I was burnt out because let these pressures guide & define my life. BUT NO MORE!


    Through years of personal development, study, & exploration I've dialed in on the most effective tools and practices THAT WORKED. 

    From those experiences, I've created this proven process tailored specifically for Black women who are ready to step into a life of freedom, joy, and authenticity. My approach is not just about surviving – it’s about thriving and reclaiming the right to just be.

    My passion is to bring these tools to other Black women through courses, community, & coaching.

    I've developed easy-to-follow and effective training that takes the holistic approach to reinventing your identity and success, envisioning and planning the future, and strategically building it to create freedom in all 8 areas of life.

    By the end of our work together, you will:

    1) Know who you are beyond work,

    2) Live a life defined by joy, rest, and freedom, &

    3) Have a clear, actionable plan to sustain this lifestyle.

    Want to learn the step by step process of how I do it? 

    Sign Up for the Free Webinar – Your Journey to Freedom Starts Here! 👇🏾

    Are you ready to stop just surviving and start thriving? Ready to make the leap into the life you’ve always dreamed of?




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